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This is album number four. It is a companion piece to Guitarded. Actually, the bulk of this album was originally intended to be on that album but as they say, shit happens. There is no real significance as to why I chose to cover these particular songs, I just simply like them. The truth of the matter is most of them were just done on a whim because I needed a break from hearing my own music over & over, Some are done well in my opinion and others would be embarrassing if I were to let myself be embarrassed by such things. But I don't. Because I can't. If I did I would never get anything done and would be second-guessing every decision I make. And there is no time for that because like it or not, we are all of us heading towards our graves. And there is nothing to be done about it other than live your life while it's yours to live. Peace to you,                 


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